
Raising product quality in bars across Europe

Diageo asked us to design a tool to help pubs and bars across Europe to serve the perfect drink, activate seasonal events and stay on top of the latest consumer trends.

Our approach

We worked as part of the Diageo product team to define the business opportunity and visited pubs to understand the challenges and pressures facing licencees. We then facilitated a Design Sprint with a team from across the company to design a new self-service application. A fully designed prototype was tested with outlets in Ireland, and refined to an initial product.

The outcome

An amazing Design Sprint, a pumped product team with a clear vision and an application successfully taken to market within 3 months. The product has since grown into the main on-trade channel for Diageo in Europe.

This rapid process has also inspired the company to adapt the way it works and implement a new, design-led approach to its ongoing product development.

“I can’t believe how much we’ve achieved! We made more progress in the first week than in the last four months!”

Head of Platforms


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